Why You Need Scenario Planning

In turbulent markets, like the one we're in now, planning for the future is an integral part of success. But it requires more than just setting and meeting goals; it requires envisioning multiple potential futures and making strategic choices accordingly.

This is where scenario planning shines. It offers a competitive edge, agility, and the potential to become a go-to organization, known for having everything figured out.

To shed more light on this transformative concept, we've launched an enlightening video on YouTube - Growth Innovation Strategy. The video, led by our very own James Janega, explores scenario planning and why it's an invaluable tool in our turbulent business landscape.

Why does scenario planning matter so much? Here's a sneak peek:

The world is now more TUNA (Turbulent, Uncertain, Novel, and Ambiguous). Traditional strategic planning approaches may not be effective anymore. Scenario planning prompts us to question the changing state of the world. That lets us identify potential risks, opportunities, and better strategic options.

It ultimately leads to a competitive edge and an enviable brand image.

While we've provided a very brief overview here, our video delves into the details and how-to's of scenario planning. We plan to further explore each reason in depth in future blog posts, to help you fully grasp the power of scenario planning.

We urge you to watch our new video and immerse yourself in the world of scenario planning. Feel free to hit the like button and subscribe for more insightful content.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out our earlier video on how to do simple scenario planning.

And remember, if you find yourself stuck or curious about strategic planning or scenario planning, don't hesitate to reach out to us at strategy@growthinnovationstrategy.com. Your business growth and innovation is our priority. Until next time, keep innovating!


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